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Progressive Screens: Transforming Outdoor Spaces

The climate is rather intense nowadays. Summers are hotter, monsoons are rainier, and winters are just freezing. Venturing out to even the patio seems to need a weather check. If it’s not the climate, then those pesky bugs kill the mood to sit outside. Enjoying sitting on beautifully made patios or having fun in the backyard looks to have become a luxury. However, Progressive Screens has a solution for these problems – a motorized screen system that allows the transformation of outdoor spaces as desired.

Founded by Arthur James, President of Progressive Screens, in 2002, Arthur spent over 26 years perfecting his motorized screen design called MagnaTrack. Operated using magnets, the system keeps out sun, rain, insects, and even hurricanes! This disruptive innovation has been issued four patents, with more in the process.

Insights Success met with Arthur to talk about the idea behind Progressive Screens, adapting to a changing landscape, and what the company is building next.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

What was the initial idea behind the inception of Progressive Screens?

Progressive is the company, but MagnaTrack is the innovation. The concept behind the MagnaTrack motorized screen system was to provide a service-free exterior screen system that outperformed all others in our industry. The industry was developed on knockoff products or copycats of Zipper systems that have inherent traits of hanging up, rewrapping, or pulling out of the sidetrack retention. MagnaTrack overcomes 98% or more of common service issues and is guaranteed to outperform any other exterior motorized screen system in the world. We have four issued patents on the MagnaTrack system, with multiple additional patents still in process.

What are the primary objectives and philosophy of Progressive Screens?

We build brands to extend, enhance, and protect your outdoor areas that can be rolled down on demand, all with a push of a button. Extending the living area has allot of advantages to create spaces for children to safely play, for the work at home environment it adds an outside office to the home and extends the living area for entertaining while being protected from insects and in climate weather.

What are your top-notch products that have a strong foothold in the Construction industry?

MagnaTrack is available in multiple configurations to fit the client’s application and needs for protection. We offer insect protection, solar protection, hurricane protection, and wind abatement systems designed for extending the living area of your home and turning the area into a four seasons room. The product is also used widely in the hospitality industry to enclose the outdoor dining areas and protect clients from inclement weather conditions. Our Defender Hurricane screen system offers multiple lines of defense and is our main foothold in the construction industry. MagnaTrack outperforms all other hurricane protection devices and offers a 365/24/7 application that can be used for insect, solar, privacy, and hurricane protection in the event of a storm.

What are the roadblocks that Progressive Screens faces in the ever-changing landscape of Construction?

Our biggest challenges are logistics and being able to ship our product nationwide, as it is very long and hard to ship without damage when shipped LTL. The other main challenge is getting qualified labor to produce the product and meet the demands of our clients.

How are Progressive Screens adapting to market orientation?

Progressive Screens is continuously innovating and improving while working on extension product offerings for the outdoor living area. Since we were acquired by Hunter Douglas in December of 2020, it has provided the capital needed to grow rapidly and dominate the industry.

What is your stance on implementing innovative technologies?

Progressive Screens is the leader in our industry for innovation, and it is always at the forefront of our focus.

In what traditions are the Progressive Screens contributing to the communities?

Progressive Screens employs over 60 staff members in our Sarasota, Fl location with great benefits and pay.

What is the next chapter for Progressive Screens?

Progressive Screens will continue to lead the industry in innovation with extension products for the outdoor space. Roof structures and additional applications for MagnaTrack are top on the list. MagnaTrack will continue to grow worldwide through the Hunter Douglas organization. It is currently being offered in Australia and New Zealand and working in Europe and South America.

Progressive Screens: Transforming Outdoor Spaces

The climate is rather intense nowadays. Summers are hotter, monsoons are rainier, and winters are just freezing. Venturing out to even the patio seems to need a weather check. If it’s not the climate, then those pesky bugs kill the mood to sit outside. Enjoying sitting on beautifully made patios or having fun in the backyard looks to have become a luxury. However, Progressive Screens has a solution for these problems – a motorized screen system that allows the transformation of outdoor spaces as desired.

Founded by Arthur James, President of Progressive Screens, in 2002, Arthur spent over 26 years perfecting his motorized screen design called MagnaTrack. Operated using magnets, the system keeps out sun, rain, insects, and even hurricanes! This disruptive innovation has been issued four patents, with more in the process.

Insights Success met with Arthur to talk about the idea behind Progressive Screens, adapting to a changing landscape, and what the company is building next.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

What was the initial idea behind the inception of Progressive Screens?

Progressive is the company, but MagnaTrack is the innovation. The concept behind the MagnaTrack motorized screen system was to provide a service-free exterior screen system that outperformed all others in our industry. The industry was developed on knockoff products or copycats of Zipper systems that have inherent traits of hanging up, rewrapping, or pulling out of the sidetrack retention. MagnaTrack overcomes 98% or more of common service issues and is guaranteed to outperform any other exterior motorized screen system in the world. We have four issued patents on the MagnaTrack system, with multiple additional patents still in process.

What are the primary objectives and philosophy of Progressive Screens?

We build brands to extend, enhance, and protect your outdoor areas that can be rolled down on demand, all with a push of a button. Extending the living area has allot of advantages to create spaces for children to safely play, for the work at home environment it adds an outside office to the home and extends the living area for entertaining while being protected from insects and in climate weather.

What are your top-notch products that have a strong foothold in the Construction industry?

MagnaTrack is available in multiple configurations to fit the client’s application and needs for protection. We offer insect protection, solar protection, hurricane protection, and wind abatement systems designed for extending the living area of your home and turning the area into a four seasons room. The product is also used widely in the hospitality industry to enclose the outdoor dining areas and protect clients from inclement weather conditions. Our Defender Hurricane screen system offers multiple lines of defense and is our main foothold in the construction industry. MagnaTrack outperforms all other hurricane protection devices and offers a 365/24/7 application that can be used for insect, solar, privacy, and hurricane protection in the event of a storm.

What are the roadblocks that Progressive Screens faces in the ever-changing landscape of Construction?

Our biggest challenges are logistics and being able to ship our product nationwide, as it is very long and hard to ship without damage when shipped LTL. The other main challenge is getting qualified labor to produce the product and meet the demands of our clients.

How are Progressive Screens adapting to market orientation?

Progressive Screens is continuously innovating and improving while working on extension product offerings for the outdoor living area. Since we were acquired by Hunter Douglas in December of 2020, it has provided the capital needed to grow rapidly and dominate the industry.

What is your stance on implementing innovative technologies?

Progressive Screens is the leader in our industry for innovation, and it is always at the forefront of our focus.

In what traditions are the Progressive Screens contributing to the communities?

Progressive Screens employs over 60 staff members in our Sarasota, Fl location with great benefits and pay.

What is the next chapter for Progressive Screens?

Progressive Screens will continue to lead the industry in innovation with extension products for the outdoor space. Roof structures and additional applications for MagnaTrack are top on the list. MagnaTrack will continue to grow worldwide through the Hunter Douglas organization. It is currently being offered in Australia and New Zealand and working in Europe and South America.