300 million year old ocean: china's zhurong rover discovers evidence of ancient coastline on Mars

China's Zhurong Rover discovers signs of an ancient coastline on Mars, sparking new insights into the Red Planet's watery past.

Evidence suggests that Mars may have had an ocean 300 million years ago, reshaping theories about its climate and ability to support life.

The Zhurong Rover's findings indicate coastal formations and sedimentary layers—key markers of ancient water activity.

Discovering water's past presence could point to regions that might hold signs of ancient life on Mars.

The ancient ocean adds to the growing evidence that Mars once had a wetter, more Earth-like environment.

Zhurong will continue exploring, gathering more clues about Mars' geological past and its potential to have supported life.

Each discovery brings humanity closer to unlocking Mars' ancient secrets and understanding its potential for past habitability.